Sunday, May 31, 2009

Actually did something (but did not get paid)

Hey, I actually did something for my new job. I was pretty excited about this. They asked me to do something professor-like; like, to evaluate something based on my expertise!

They asked the faculty email list to say which journal subscriptions the cash-strapped library should not cancel.

This required me to dig deep, really deep, into my extensive training, in order to say that no, our library should not cancel its subscription to Central European History.

I developed this process:

Ask self: Have you, or anyone you know, ever read, or felt like you/they ought to read, any article in any of the journals in question?

Example: Slavic Review--hmm, I think so-and-so had an issue of that kicking around his office--we better not cancel that one.

Task dispatched with aplomb!

In related news, recent nightmares include:

I'm in some seminar (as a participant) and a guy on the hiring committee walks in and sits in the back of the room. Then I realize that instead of pants, I'm wearing a bath towel.

I go into my first day of class and the students are so rowdy that I can't even say, "Hi, my name is..." and have to call security to have one particularly uncooperative girl dragged away. Oh, and I on top of it, I haven't finished writing the syllabus.


Could-be-a-model said...

Technically, YSA, I think this task is part of the wider terms of your new employment. You are no longer Historian-Grad Student-Independent Scholar, but now Historian-Assistant Prof-Part of Wider Scholarly Community. Welcome! Do not tease the monkeys! And stay off the grass!

I hope you don't have these nightmares all summer!

CheeseQuest said...

Shit, you mean even with a TT job you still get those dreams???

Mine are always the same: I'm reliving an actual event: I broke my leg the summer between 7th and 8th grade. I went to a brand new school with a cast on my leg. I was The Girl on Crutches. One day I got totally lost. The late bell rang. I crutched around to every single wing of my middle school and kept getting loster. I think I started crying. I still dream about that day.

Tom said...

I just had a dream where I wiped my mouth on the sleeve of some random guy's shirt. He was really offended. But I honestly thought it was a towel!