Thursday, July 1, 2010

Still against it

I still support boycotting the facebook, but I joined it.

I joined it because I said to myself, 'Self: if there were a new technology that let you see a picture of like, everyone you ever knew, including the 60% of those people with whom you are no longer in touch, and maybe learn a little about them--would you struggle to be the only person in the world not using that technology?' And then I said back to myself: 'Self, I would struggle to do that but probably give in at some point.'

Also, I have to spend the weekend alone in southern Germany and I feel lonely. (This may be a better reason.)

Anyway, there you go. I defiantly pledge myself to the blog medium!


Could-be-a-model said...

You defiantly pledge yourself to the blog medium only when you are in Germany and alone. The rest of the time, you are a fickle and wayward ally of the blog.

Tom said...

yeah, it's all about the photos. facebook is like friend-porn.

your small american said...

You are right, CBAM. But look at your own sadly neglected blog, my friend.

Could-be-a-model said...

You too are right, YSA. But I never made such a pledge about the CBAM. And plus, I have nothing interesting to say these days. I am remarkably complaint free. Well, except for the tick crisis of late. God bless the sanitize setting on fancy washing machines.

CheeseQuest said...

I hate pictures on Facebook. People post pictures of parties I wasn't invited to. When this includes people I knew in high school, it gets depressing.

Kid Showbusiness said...

Generic request for precise anti-facebook reasoning?

your small american said...

Uh, it's heartfelt, but vague.

I feel like there's something self-deceptive about facebook. And I suspect new technologies. I also opposed cell phones for a while.