Thursday, July 21, 2011


In the mid nineteenth century, so I read yesterday, European psychiatrists rushed to cure the dread condition "cretinism" and its attendant intellectual disability, stunted growth, and remarkable facial abnormalities.

But what caused it? Some were like: "hereditary degeneration." Other guys said: living in swampy areas, or soil conditions. They found it spreading in remote villages in the Swiss Alps, with some hamlets entirely populated by "cretins."
(Appenzell--likely former home of many Swiss cretins.)

So, perhaps like you, I am trained to think about culture and imagination, and I am thinking: is this (yet again) elite Europeans gazing at impoverished Europeans and seeing biological degeneration rather than the actual economic and political inequalities producing poverty? But why is this happening in the Swiss Alps, not in urban slums?

So, of course, being a trained historian, I google image searched "cretinism."

OK! And people: that is not just the bourgeois imagination. Indeed, it's hyperthyroidism, caused by iodine deficiency, and it was common in Alpine villages prior to better food distribution systems because the soil in those valleys lacks iodine.

But then the imagination comes back in force, because the theory of "degeneration" so popular in nineteenth century Europe (Morel)--decadent culture, the decline of the race, the madness of the crowd, etc.--began with a study of these Swiss villagers with hyperthyroid. Degeneration won out as the explanation for what ailed them, but actually, the guys who were for the 'bad soil' explanation were correct.

Pick, Faces of Degeneration


Tom said...

yay blog! does this mean I have to stop calling people cretins (like I had to quit saying "what a maroon" even though Bugs Bunny said it)? Cretin is such a great word!

your small american said...

Well, I am going to keep calling them that. Especially I am going to keep calling the people who are not eating enough iodine that.

Could-be-a-model said...

It's so funny how ironically the "bad soil" guys won out, technically, even though their pseudo-science was really just trying to promote environmental racism.

your small american said...

Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny too.

I thought my reaction was funny. Like, you can tell I'm more of a cultural historian than a historian of science. Alas!

Could-be-a-model said...

I thought science reflected cultural assumptions.

your small american said...

Update: and as a result, it took about 100 years from the first proposals of the 'bad soil' theory for the Swiss govt. to start iodine treatments, which they did in the 1920s and which basically eradicated both cretinism and goitre in the Alps.