Monday, August 6, 2007


Before you vote for Hillary Clinton just because she has ovaries, harken back to other famous ovary-possessing politicians, like Margaret Thatcher, Indira Ghandi, Angela Merkel. Not ladies known for their progressive politics, peoples.

Ladies only get elected when they're able to overcome the stereotypes about women by proving that they're just as pro-military, anti-social welfare, rabidly nationalist and authoritarian as any dude. Overcoming stereotypes, yay! Yay, feminism!


Could-be-a-model said...

But what about "sisterhood"?

Clever title for the post.

your small american said...

One my profs (NH) said: "As it turned out, sisterhood was never that powerful."

I don't know, though. Since I wrote this post, I've been haunted by thoughts of what a difference it would make in my life if a women, any women, were pres. Like, that people would see women differently. Purely selfish reasons to vote for Hillary, but I bet a lot of women are thinking about them...don't forget, however, that Edwards and Obama are further left than Hillary, and might address poverty, health care, environment; issues I think are more important to my life than ideas of gender...but man, do ideas of gender bug me.

Edwards sadly really dropped the ball on The Gay and I don't know if I could vote for him now.


Is a duck riding on a horse running again? That team got my vote last time. They don't let me down.

Tom said...

Duck Riding on Horse '08
I'd rather vote for it!

I think we can be quite assured that whoever we elect president will not do one-tenth of what they promise during the campaign. Hilary may be a total biatch, but there's no guarantee that placed in a position of immense authority, Barak Obama wouldn't drop a bomb on the house of that girl in high school who always called him "Brak".

Historian-at-large said...

just fyi, NH wrote the definitive article AGAINST sisterhood: "Beyond the Search for Sisterhood" look it up in Unequal Sisters if you're interested.

your small american said...

Way to cite, Rebster.