My bank account balance and my credit card debt are at the moment roughly equal. I'm at that magic number!
And last week I got my "stimulus check" from the U.S. govt. (So-named because we're supposed to do our patriotic duty, spend it at Walmart, and save the U.S. economy. Like when we went to the mall and saved ourselves from terrorism after the 2001 terrorist attacks by buying new pants.)
Despite the magic number, I propose that we all donate a portion of these checks to worthy causes. The govt. ought to spend this "stimulus" money on homeless people, who it serves very poorly in general, so I'm giving $50 of my check to Coalition for the Homeless. And another $50 to Barack Obama's campaign so that we can get out of endless war. The rest I will use to maintain my magic number. Screw consumption on government orders!
Who will you give your "stimulus" money to?
(By the way, did you know that if you're not currently registered for credits at a university, you can't get a student loan? Huh.)
History grad student, junior faculty freak out, academic publishing disaster--it's all here: seven years of angst in academia.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Canoe NJ
On the river yesterday, we saw no Pineys but did see lots of moss. CC took my picture with some giant moss. The moss provided us with moral examples of success against adversary. CC was sad about our impending move from our lovely house (I am too), but we canoed past an island of all moss, and I said, "Look at that moss, I bet it was sad when it had to start growing on that island, but now look at it!" I hope that she felt inspired by the moss. I did!
We canoed around some islands in the Wading and
When it started to rain a lot, we were undaunted, because we knew that in
Later yesterday, I fell in a cranberry bog. Then we left the Pine Barrens and bought ice cream from an insolent teenager. Today I have a cold, yuck!
Friday, May 2, 2008
House girl
So I need a new professional identity. This could be being CC's house girl. While CC works all day, I could clean the house and make cookies and move the plants around the dining room and that kind of stuff. Then, when she is done working, I could say, "Honey, how was your day?"
But CC refuses to do this.
Despite her refusal, yesterday I went to the grocery store in the morning and bought lots of groceries. Many old ladies shop at 11 am. Also house girls! I felt a sense of accomplishment. (Groceries pictured.) Right now I am doing the dishes (pictured).
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