Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Running with cows

Some stereotypes about cows are wrong. (Based on my experience running with cows.*)

Cows--the cows I run with**, that is--do not really like humans. They really, really do not want to be petted.

Some are aggressive. By "some" I mean, about half of them. And not only the "male cows"--are they actually bulls? I think someone did cut off their nuts. I hope they are not bulls, whatever that means, because I am running with them and I do not want to run with bulls at this point--also the female cows.

*Like swimming with dolphins!
**One of said cows pictured above. Actual photo taken while running.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012


Found out that they hadn't even sent it out to readers yet. Reports due back in the new year, ACK!

What will I do until then?