Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Cat witchcraft

This cat probably has witchcraft. This is the cat that lives with me. I thought that her witchcraft was weak and ridiculous. In fact, I have never noticed anything supernatural that she did. All she does is bite my ankles and drink from the toilet as discussed. So far, no witchcraft. I haven't generally been worried about her cat witchcraft.

But then someone pointed out that maybe this cat makes her witchcraft seem weak and pathetic so that I won't be alarmed, but is at the same time putting spells on me.

I made her this toy out of the fan. See how pleased she seems?


Could-be-a-model said...

Perhaps you are the witch and Lucy is merely your familiar, sent by Satan, to do your evil bidding?

your small american said...

You are probably right, being the expert. Have you discussed cat witchcraft in your class?