Thursday, September 14, 2006

Family sports strategy

In other parent sporting news, my Dad won the local triathlon (he won his age group). He won by passing the guy in front of him about a quarter mile from the finish line. Dad and other guys in his age group were featured in an article in a local newspaper, and from this article Dad knew that the guy whom he beat had broken his hip last year.

Dad put all this together in tune with our family sports strategy: We, as a family, specialize in beating disabled people. More specifically, we specialize in passing them right before the finish line.

This was true when me and Dad did the New York Marathon together, and "smoked" a group of blind people who were running together just before the finish line. The NYC Marathon takes a photo of you when you finish, and in our finish photo from that year you see the group of blind folks, raising their hands triumphantly and weeping as they prepare to finish, and me and Dad looking very serious and competitive as we elbow past this group to cross the line.

With my sister, we also "smoked" Rhino Man (pictured) in the marathon one year.

It's like, we can't beat everyone in the race. But we can beat some people, such as those in 40 pound rhino costumes, or those with hip replacements. And we're proud.

Actually, the guy Dad beat in the triathlon was doing pretty well, so I don't know if he really counts. The blind people in the marathon had like a 2 hour head start on us.


Tom said...

The title of that article is "Seniors Race to Finish Line". No, it's not a story about euthanasia!

your small american said...

I know, isn't the tone of the article awful? The person who wrote it clearly thinks that 70 years old means 85 years old. But 70 year olds are actually not much different from 60 year olds, I've learned. And probably shouldn't be getting those senior discounts. It's a bit of a scam.

Kid Showbusiness said...

So, you're saying that 70 is the new 60? Does Cosmo know?

your small american said...

Hmm, Anon in St. Paul, eh? Who could that be? Well, yeah, the it's not just some chump in those rhino costumes. They train in them, apparnetly.

Kid Showbusiness said...

Sorry gang, but it has always been my firmly held belief that anyone wearing a rhino costume is, by definition, a chump. Whether you train in it or not. In fact, training for a marathon in a rhino costume might actually make you a bigger chump. Who do you think you're going to beat? Blind people? People wearing elephant costumes? The Marhoefers? The whole enterprise absolutely reeks of chumpitude.

your small american said...

No one in a costume will ever beat Marhoefers!

Kid Showbusiness said...

But what if they were wearing a Marhoefer costume?