I think it is like: "'Oh, you went to Amsterdam, nice." [person thinking]I bet you smoked a lot of pot and saw a live sex show!.' Cause that is sort of the reaction of people from North America; they are like, "Oh, Amsterdam...[long pause]."
But I want to say that I did not do drugs because drugs are lame. (Lame, kids!) And I did not see a live sex show. There are so many more things to do Amsterdam.
Like interact with the Mighty Empire (see figures 2 and 3).
Like eat a lovely chocolate-and-whipped-cream-covered waffle! (see fig. 1) And visit the homo film festival where I saw Bad Girls Behind Bars featuring Pam Grier. (no fig. but you can imagine I'm sure.)
I also learned some Dutch. Like when this woman said to me in Dutch, "Where is my T shirt?" and I said in English, "What?" and she said in English, "That was Dutch. The word for T-shirt is the same in Dutch and English."
(I did not say but I was thinking, like, I know dude. I mean, that's about all I know, but still.)
It's a fairly well-known fact that the Dutch Empire was not assembled through war, but through trade (Capitalism = Evil Empire, the Early Years). Therefore, why the Dutch Mighty Empire statues appear to be mighty with the sword and not the accounting spreadsheet is not only a gross misrepresentation of Dutch history, but one that confuses me as well. Be proud, Dutch!
I thought you went to visit the Dutch in hopes for confronting them about their racist holiday tradition...not revel in their gloried imperial past!!! They invented racisim with that empire!!!! I'm dissapointed. Also, the only place where waffles are worth eating in Europe is Belgium...also, their fries are good there too.
But, kudos for "just saying no" to drugs. I feel like Amsterdam has so much to see and do without it all looking pink and fuzzy. I want to go to Amsterdam...let's go when I come to visit you! Sweet.
Also, when do we get to know more about the lizzards?
Dude, the racialized anti-santa like, only comes on Dec. 6. I looked all the heck over for him/her. Kris said that on Dec. 6, racialized anti-santas were galavanting all over the place. They are like the slaves of Santa. They go around with him. It's pretty disturbing.
Sorry. I tried.
Well, as long as you tried to look for them...I guess it is okay if you didn't end Dutch racism...and you do call it the EVIL empire...so, okay I forgive you.
I still disagree with CBAM...the Dutch should be ashamed of themselves and their racist Christmas...and their empire built on economic (racial) exploitation.
I think CBAM is on board with that sentiment.
Having set out for Amsterdam in order to end Dutch racism, or at least to take a picutre of it, I didn't do so well. I mean, I ended up taking a picture of a waffle.
Don't feel bad! At least you got to smoke a lot of pot and see a live sex show! Right? And no one can take that away from you.
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