The canoe route we'd chosen was a circle. As the helpful guide pointed out to us, there was a way to skip about half of the loop by canoing down a lake and then walking on a logging road back to where we'd left the car. After some tense moments apparently lost in the creek below the Lake of Stimulus, which CC overcame with her compass skills, we turned toward the spa.
We left the canoe beached at a campsite on the lake and walked for 3 hours on this road. During that time, we saw one car (sadly heading the other way).
The road (pictured) was pretty intense. The scenery was homogeneous. If you spun around in place and then stopped, you might not remember which direction you'd come from.
The one sign of humans (besides the road itself) we found was a discarded porno mag in the weeds. Hmm.
Upon reaching the car, I was attacked by 15 mosquitos, which all bit my legs at once. This was the most intense mosquito biting that I had ever experienced, but CC seemed alarmingly unconcerned about the bloodsucking cloud surrounding my legs, a clue that Canada is a hard-core place where a lot of mosquitos live. (She often drops hints, in a similar way, about how cold it is in Canada. Like how she can't understand that we in NJ haven't had a frost yet but can already buy apples from the orchard near our house. In Quebec, the apple harvest goes up for sale after the first frost. That's because, dear reader, the first frost is in June.)
Then we drove for 30 min, picked up the canoe, headed back with the canoe on the car on the logging road and after driving for about an hour and a half, reached Le Domaine and camped for the night, in the rain, outside of the canoe rental office.
Oh, and during the night a tent pole snapped. We though, naturally, it was an ax murderer/bear attacking. But it was only the tent breaking.
I'm exhausted just reading about this "vacation"...are you going to the spa next or will you have to battle a saber toothed mosquito first?
I can't take it anymore. I have to punish you:
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