When CC dropped me off at the airport yesterday, I rushed up to the airline ticket counter to check in (naturally I was running late). I was supposed to fly to a job interview. This didn't happen because my flight and all subsequent flights were snowed out, but when I arrived at the airport of course I didn't know that, and was having all kinds of thoughts about being grown up and going to a job interview, and having to act grown up at the interview, and how I wasn't sure how to do that, etc.
I got chatting with counter agent. She glanced at my passport and expressed surprise. Surprise at my age (I'll turn 30 three days from now). "You're much older than you look," she said. "When you walked up, I thought you were an unaccompanied minor."
No wonder I feel like no one takes me seriously.

(Unrelated note: This picture, chosen to illustrate my nearly-thirty-ness, is also a picture of me
with the actual microform of the Prussian govt. file on Prussia's nearly passed 1932 sterilization law. !!)
You'll appreciate being taken for someone younger at some point, YSA. Like my joy at Stop n Shop when the check-out woman thinks I am 19.
BTW, don't you check your flight status before you leave the house?
It was on time when I left the house.
So, what brand of craziness will we be getting into for your birthday? 30 shots of tequila? 30 cupcakes? 30 beers at Stuff Yur Face? 30 re-writes of your job talk?
Par-tay! Par-tay! Paaaaaarrrrr-thaaaaay!
Maybe 30 beers at SYF, what do you think? Not 30 job talks, for sure.
I like the idea of 30 cupcakes... if you ate them in less than 30 seconds you would be the world record holder!
woah, happy birthday!!!
looks like your blog thinks it's tomorrow already. i wonder if it also knows the future?
Yes, it does. But it would be un-democratic of it to reveal it.
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