Hey readers, if you vote for OBAMA tomorrow come to Dissertation Year and/or
The Tomog and get free DY stuff: A haiku made up just for you! Please vote, testify in the comments section, and if you are anonymous provide any information you'd like included in the haiku!
Joint offer with The Tomog!You can also get yourself included in a story about CC and YSA on vacation if you choose. Your choice--haiku or vacation story! VoooOOOoooTE!*

*Vote to cancel out my brother-in-law's vote--arg!
I voted! Yay! Go chads!
Yes we can keep blogging!
Post-doc blogging is change we can believe in!
Hurray, Tom voted
He beat up those guys at the polls
They tried to stop him
I voted absentee in Wyoming (to cancel Dick Cheney's vote). Can I get the haiku??
I voted!!! And I yelled at all my students to vote too!
I voted! I made friends with an Orthodox lady standing in line in front of me. Yes we can wear long skirts with running shoes and still be fly!
Yes we can write haikus after the class I didn't prep at all for!
way to go CBAM!
by leaving the house to vote
you have changed the world
good job YSA!
braving moose and goose to vote
in the great white north
D. votes: Wyoming
She used the postal service
Take that, Dick Cheney!
Bravely she waited
Deterred by no line: Cheesequest
And she met a friend
Would she put on pants?
Would she leave her apartment?
For O.--CBAM: "Yes!"
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