We chose this topic because sleep is good, and because we talk a lot about how much each of us likes to sleep and how hard it is to wake up. Really, it's how hard it is to wake up. I (YSA) talk a lot about that.
CC: Today I had to meet a student at 9 am, and I felt like 9 am was too early, especially for a Friday, but when I got there on time the student was already there editing his paper. This is the only student in danger of failing the class. I told him I was impressed with his dedication, and he responded that he feels that he has to use every minute of the day in order to succeed.
YSA: I don't feel like people really appreciate how hard it is to get out of bed. It (sleep) is like a drug. Like a drug! It does not matter what I resolve the night before when I go to bed or what I set the alarm for, or if I set two alarms, or if I pledge to CC that I will get up and not hit snooze for one hour. Nothing matters. When the sleep is happening, nothing else matters. I will hit snooze for two hours, or take the batteries out of the alarm clock, whatever.
CC: YSA is not exaggerating. She is never realistic about her waking-up goals and as a result constantly feels guilty. LIke, every morning, she wakes up and faces the day... already guilty. This is a problem for her, and as a consequence, for me, too.
YSA: That is so true!

CC: The guilt is contagious. I also feel guilty, even though I had no waking up goals to begin with! (I gave these up as soon as I became a grad student - or rather, chose this profession partially because it allows me to sleep in.)
[Side comment: CC: Is being a grad student a profession? YSA: Yes. CC: No.]
YSA, do you have any more comments?
YSA: No. Just that it is very hard to get up.
It sounds like me and Boy Parts lead the same life as you and CC. Sleep is the best. I hope the guilt goes away some day!
CC: regarding your student, I had a friend in college who had a similar problem. It must be very frustrating to feel like you work twice as hard as your peers and get less done.
My friend was very bright, but I remember thinking, this person is trying way too hard. But maybe it's like they can't absorb information the way we can.
As far as sleep I just woke up myself! I find that at night, I tend to stay up way too late, even though I know how good it feels to sleep. Partly I think it's a function of wanting to get more done each day than I do.
And of course, going to sleep at 3am makes it very difficult to get up at 9.
DSF, you and BP have insomnia. When the insomnia strikes, there is nothing to do. Well, napping at 5 pm for three fours doesn't help, but that's mostly my fault.
Get a cat. Norea wakes me, no matter how much food she has in her bowl. Sometimes, I will overfill her food bowl before I go to bed in an effort to keep her from waking me up. Sadly, it does not work. She wants attention. All the time.
Get a cat.
I too treasure every minute I sleep. I had horrible insomnia that led me to ask for a prescription for Ambien CR, which gave me vivid dreams about things like snails and worms in the shower and old men in plastic cars driving the wrong way in traffic.
Then I did a radical thing and cut out almost all caffeine during the day. And it worked! I am ten nights Ambien-free and loving it.
I hate sleep. I wish we didn't have to do it! I avoid it in the evening and when I inevitably finding myself under its spell in the morning, I too feel guilty. But it is not because I love it, it is because I feel guilty for having given in. Sleep can suck it!
Maybe I should give up coffee! I am trying to let go of the guilt, inspired by commentators. Although there's a diversity of opinion.
Today I said, "Let go of the guilt!" to CC and she pointed out that's what our chain-smoking pals tell each other when they light up. But nevertheless.
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