I enjoyed very much hiking in the Alps with CC and the occasional Ibex (or Chamois) (pictured)

despite dropping CC's laptop on my toe the night before we left for the hike. The toe (pictured), as Tom put it, saved the laptop "from certain smashtastrophe." Happily it turned out that the toe didn't hurt much once I soaked it in a bidé and strapped it into a hiking boot.
By "bide," do you mean the fancy toilet that washes your butt?
Yeah, what is the deal with those things? We had one in our room at the pension.
Sometimes, I run out of toilet paper up at my "employer's" house, and I am forced to use the kiddie potty-training wipes. I have to say, I find them quite refreshing. While I have to do a little dance to dry off before I pull my pants up, I feel much cleaner after using them. It makes me think that the bidet has a similar effect.
That's lovely and refreshing! And you're incorporating dance into your life, what could be better?
So it is like, you sit on the bide instead of toilet paper? But why did we have in our room the following: two beds, a sink, a bide--?
CBAM, I'm in Highland Park again and you're not here--again. Waah! No Bagel Dish brunch happiness.
I miss YSA-burie too! And Bagel Dish and DD! Actually, I think I miss the Patels most of all. They were always so solicitous of my health.
If it had been up to the Patels, you would have squandered neither youth nor health.
I feel bad for them because they probably don't know where the heck you went? Did you tell them goodbye?
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