Friday, April 7, 2006

It lurches off the table! Diss proposal drafted.

In between studying for my comp exam and gallivanting around New Jersey, I actually drafted a diss proposal. It is basically several grant proposals stuck together. And it lives! My Advisor's reaction was quite positive, especially when she remarked on the "truly impressive" footnotes, the highest praise a history grad student can receive.

However, she also noted that the "chapter outline" section, which should be the centerpiece of the proposal, is about 4 sentences long. And you know what that means, reader dear. I have to make some more stuff up.

Coming up next: redraft the proposal. Run it by My Advisor again, then use it to win over the members of My Committee (and your committee!) some of whom do not yet know that they are members of aforementioned, unweildily large committee. Will I defend it before the semester ends? Probably not...which means a September defense.

But I'm supposed to be in Berlin in September...du nu nu naaaaahh!

1 comment:

Could-be-a-model said...

Oh the drama! I can't wait for the next installment of "Your Small American: A Lesbian's Dissertation Adventures In/Around Berlin". The ominous music has me totally hooked.