Monday, September 11, 2006

What a bummer

I'm not convinced that it's at all useful for us in this country to, on this day each year, re-live the hijacking-suicide attacks. I feel for the families and friends of people who died. But does having sympathy and respect for those people really entail round-the-clock news coverage of the memorial, complete with archive footage of the buildings on fire and all that? It's traumatic and I don't see what purpose it serves besides, perhaps, to whip up more support for the "war on terror."

Speaking of which, I heard a dude on the radio asking whether it makes sense to have a war on an emotion like "terror" rather than on the small and clandestine organization that carried out the hijacking-suicide attacks that killed thousands of people (which organization, apparently, is now mostly based in the Afghanistan-Pakistan border area).

Well, that I dunno about. But then it got me thinking and I realized that the Bush Administration hasn't been attacking most of the things that terrorize me in my daily life.

Things that terrorize me:
#1 Sharks
#2 Relationships
#3 Not having my prescriptions covered by my health insurance
#4 Reckless drivers

Which of these things have been attacked in this war on terror? Man, not even sharks! And who isn't terrorized by sharks?


Tom said...

Did you know that 9/11 is officially Patriot Day? It's true! Look it up. So if you're not down with commemorating this day, clearly you're not a patriot.

Your list sounds like a description of the perfect american...
1) Drives recklessly
2) Has trouble maintaining a meaningful relationship
3) Pays out of pocket for medical expenses
4) Shot or was shot "accidentally" by a family member

And what's more patriotic than sharks? Sharks are super patriotic. We invented sharks.

Could-be-a-model said...

I can't believe reckless drivers, among which I would include people who listen to their ipods via headphones worn around their neck whilst driving, rank hire than nature. There is NOTHING more terrifying than nature.

Kid Showbusiness said...

I think that if we're going to have a war on an emotion, then that emotion should be sadness. Turn those frowns upside down, Afghanis!

Or do you think we could win a war against sadness? You don't think we'd lose, do you?! I'd be very sad if that happened...