$675 2nd Floor Bachelor with Skylight/Just minutes to The Beach
This bachelor has high ceilings,a very large skylight,a four piece bathroom with a large bathtub...a full kitchen...laundry facilities on site and parking included in rent....Just minutes to the Beaches and minutes by street car to downtown.For further info please call...

I was like, well, I'm looking for a 1 bedroom (a "bachelor" is a studio). But it's cheap, and near the beach, maybe it's nice. And I was in the neighborhood. So I biked by. The guy took me upstairs to see the apartment, and--
See in the ad where it says "a very large skylight"? What the ad doesn't say is that that's all the apartment has. It has no windows. Just a very large skylight!

Why do people put the most wretched-looking pictures of apartments on craigslist when they are the landlords trying to rent them? And why, as I see more and more crappy places, do these pictures start to look good to me. (See figures--live in Dracula's castle, enjoy relaxing in a claw-foot, antique bathtub next to a pile of laundry, in a stark, dim, empty room!)
That last picture is totally a sanitarium. I imagine the ad is something like "Are you off your meds? Have the demons which live inside your nostrils goaded you into threatening violent death to passersby? Are the authorities, at this moment, manhandling you into a straight-jacket? Then have we got the apartment for you!"
What the hell is a four piece bathroom?
I say take it!
Hmmm, I guess bathtub, toilet, sink, and windowless area in which to lurk, awaiting nightfall, when you'll emerge once again to suck blood!
Last time I checked this was not a science fiction blog...or is it?!
Well, if the bathroom comes with lurking, then you must snatch (he he) it up immediately.
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