Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Alive and well in the far north, where it's snowing

It's snowing! Very alarming: it is also October. Who will dig out my car, apartment, self? (Supposedly I'm to be consoled in the knowledge that "it won't stick.")

Oh, and I survived my illness so far. And I got this e-mail:

Dear YSA,

This is an auto generated message to inform you that the dean of your school has updated your diploma application review status to: Graduating

Registrar System Mailer

I think that this e-mail marks the actual "graduating" of me from grad school. As in, when I opened this email from Registrar System Mailer, I graduated. Though it's unclear.

Not the weepy, bucolic commencement ceremony I'd looked forward to. But still: Thank you, Registrar System Mailer, where ever you are!


Could-be-a-model said...

Maybe they will send you a letter that you can post on your fridge.

Dude! Snowing in October! Canada is really scary!

Tom said...

Next comes the Caribou invasion! Since they don't have earthquakes up there (the ground is too frozen) the next rumbling you hear is probably Caribou.

But it's ok. I think most municipalities have a power-sharing arrangement. Most likely you wont even notice the change. And then in a few months, they'll be gone, and humans will be back in charge.

Anonymous said...

oh man, now i am paranoid. was i supposed to get that, too? my netid doesn't work anymore!

your small american said...

OMG JM, did you not get that email from Registrar Mailer?? My net id stopped working too. but maybe after i got the email. i think i can still access the library however.