I stumbled on this picture a few months ago while looking for illustrations for various pro-OBAMA posts on this blog.
You can see why it didn't work as a simple pro-OBAMA picture, yes? But I can't bear to just delete it. It fascinates and scares me. What do you think?
Except for the mop-top in the front, they don't seem too enthused. Do you think these kids were trying to look "hard" and failing?
Paintballers for Obama? Priceless. Save it to show your grandkids.
Yeah, I feel like they're trying to look super macho. Like Rambo and stuff. But they see being macho as part of being for Obama, or being for Obama as part of being macho.
And them being a bunch of little white dudes in camo is so funny to me.
Oh, and that their clothes are too big for them.
I know, it's like, how can they run from the flying paintballs when their pants are so big they're going to fall off and trip them? Oversize pants-wearing paintballers for Obama. Yeah!
In that, if they didn't have an Obama for pres. sign in front of them, I'd be terrified and thinking about militarized U.S. white masculinity and the brainwashing of little kids. But I also heart Obama. And (maybe too idealistically) I see Obama as against militarization and as being masculine and smart at the same time--a new way to be a masculine U.S. guy without being in camo. So now I am like, is the militarized masculinity and brainwashing OK as long as they're for Obama?
But isn't that kind of poignant? That so many different kinds of people believed in him, not just the liberal world that's used to thinking of itself as so much smarter than "scary" paintballers.
Yeah, it sort of is! Like, I'm not sure whether to complain about paintball or weep quietly.
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