Saturday, March 7, 2009

Women mentoring other women. That's what the Weimar Republic (in Germany) was really all about.


a) Although law on prostitution of 1927 figures large in muskrat-like dissertation, just getting around to reading parliamentary debate on said law now.

b) These feminist ladies in parliament who were all about rescuing girls from prostitution and bringing them back to morality and order--yes, mentoring them (well, sort of--by "mentoring" here I mean locking them up in Catholic reformatories)--in parliament, these ladies were all like, "We are so psyched about this new prostitution law. And once we get our Protective Custody Law* we can really save lots of girls from prostitution! Yeah!"

*Protective Custody Law (weirdly not passed until Nazis took power despite support from ladies like those mentioned above, who were not Nazis by the way) basically allowed police and welfare workers to lock up whoever they wanted, sans any kind of judicial proceeding, indefinitely.

Woah ladies, now that's some mentoring! Shit, if I'd known about this I totally could have gotten that grant.

1 comment:

Tom said...

Finally proof that there's been something hinky going on at Catholic reformatories since the 1920s!