This might please my German roommates, one might think, but so far they only seem puzzled.
Are the stores all closed? I'm guessing yes and that for the third day in a row, I will continue to not own shampoo or soap.
Roommate: Weren't you wearing that hat last night?
Maybe your roommates are puzzled about the pressing issue of lack of soap and shampoo. I know I am.
And what's with all these German holidays? I thought the Germans were a joyless people.
Germans may appear joyless to outsiders, but they are, in fact, quite dour and taciturn as a rule. The holidays that they do observe tend to mark occasions that the rest of the world find, at the very least, unsettling. A sampling of representative German holidays would include German Unification Day (shudder), India-Pakistan Nuclear Test Anniversary (a cringe-worthy week-long festival involving elaborate mock-ups of a post-nuclear exchange environment) and your Mother-in-Laws Birthday, which is just creepy on so many levels.
It is so good to see you recognizing German Pride Day...or whatever it is. I like you hat. Your photos are also cool. I'll take more photos and put them on my blog so that America doesn't look as boring anymore. :-)
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