Tuesday, October 24, 2006

If I didn't want a cake made out of monkeys, I wouldn't say that I wanted a cake made out of monkeys, OK?

I know it is funny--oh so funny!--when I talk in German, but I am getting a little tired of my roommates laughing at me. On Sunday night, people were like, let's have dessert. And I happened to know that we had like 20 apples. So I said, let's make a cake out of apples!

Apfel (apple)
Affe (monkey)

I said "Apfel" not "Affe"! I did not say that we should make a cake out of monkeys. But everybody in the kitchen is rolling on the floor like it's the world's funniest joke.

Actually, I just looked up the correct spelling of both words for this post, and I realized, that "monkey" actually sounds nothing like "apple" in German. And I didn't say monkey! So now, I think they are just making fun of me for the fun of it.

One time, I did call an airplane a "flying train." But the word for "airplane" is one letter different from the (not existing) word for "flying train." In fact, until I was mocked about this, I thought airplanes were called flying trains in German.

I complined to Tom and he said that when this happens, I should "stick to my guns" like it wasn't a mistake, and I really said on purpose, "Hey guys, let's make a cake out of monkeys!"

1 comment:

Kid Showbusiness said...

I don't think they were laughing because they thought you said monkeys instead of apples. I think they were laughing at the innate hilariousness of an American wanting to make a cake out of apples, rather than a pie. Because you know us Americans and apple pie! We love it. Or it could be that they thought you were making a reference to that German movie that came out a couple of years ago. The one with Chris Tucker and Peter O'Toole? They're scientists that go back in time to see if the dinosaurs can pick winning Lotto numbers with any greater accuracy than humans, but all the dinosaurs speak perfect German, and they all keep offering the two scientists "apple cake".

Or wait, no, it was "monkey cake". Because they were dinosaurs and they eat monkeys.

No, actually your roommates must have been laughing at you because you wanted to bake a cake out of monkeys. Which is pretty funny if you think about it.