I went to Quebec City this summer. This was part of my vacation. I really like vacation. On my vacation, I went to like 6 states and 1 province of Canada. But most of the states I drove through in the middle of the night and didn't stop in. I did not see a moose, but I saw and was frightened by a flashing moose warning sign.

Anyway, in Quebec City this warning sign was affixed to the door of the bathroom. I am not sure what it says, but I think it means that you should pay attentioin because sometimes people totally smash people in the face with the door! And wreck their entire bodies. Woah. This made me respect Quebec City and the power of people opening doors there.
They must be so polite in the QC. I wish we in the NJ could all be more like them.
Hmmm...I had no idea Canadians were so hard core about doors. I mean, wow. I wonder if they yell "EEEEEHHHHHH!" really loud when a door hits them. Also, the danger posed by moose is real. Often cars clip a moose in the legs and the moose falls on top of their car crushing the driver. Also, moose are prone to depression. Onece a moose in VT jumped off a bridge and died. So, they don't get out of the way of cars because sometimes they just don't care. So, while I think Canadians are pretty much harmless...never under estimate the suicidal dispair of a moose when it comes to hitting one on the road.
I think the signs would be funnier if they were combined into one sign. You know, a sign warning Canadians to be careful opening doors, as they may be trampled by the moose waiting on the other side of most doors in Canada.
The danger posed by moose is real, especially when combined with the danger of aggressive door-opening!
That clearly is a sign warning people of the dangers of homosexual kissing. Clearly the guy on the left is hiding behind the door and just in time too, as the guy on the right seems all to eager to plant a big wet smooch on him. Fortunately for the guy on the left, all he got was a door in the face. Serves him right!
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