Cappuccino machine?
Lunch room?
Located in a former Nazi army base?
Fun files to read?
Sort of, eh.
Most fun thing read so far:
Report from one of the venereal disease society meetings that was basically like, 'Now that, since the new 1927 law on VD, we are locking up large numbers of men, women and children who have VDs in hospitals and not letting them out for weeks and months at a time, we should find something for them to do, like a choir, or sewing, because they are bored and fighting with the nursing staff. Also, if not distracted, the children will turn to masturbation.'
Special powers:
Despite being intimidatingly named "the federal archive," is run by a jovial bunch of long-haired guys who resemble Fabio.
Awesome! That place sounds pretty dominant. I can't wait to see how the rest of the competition goes.
Thanks for your support! You rule.
How often do the Fabio-guys yell at you? Cause I find the number of times you get yelled at indirecting proportional to the quality of the archive.
Oh, that is a good one, I have to add that as a criteria. They have yelled at me zero at this archive.
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