I was looking in this sterilization file at the archive (actually, I am sitting at the archive right at this moment and it's right next to me--pictured--see?) and then I'm like, 'wait a minute, wow, my German is getting really good...no, oh man, this is all in English!' 'Cause the German govt. was thinking about passing a sterilization law and the U.S. already had them in like 12 states. And the Germans were really impressed by that and collected all this information on the U.S. laws.
Yes, reader, when it came to eugenics, the U.S. was the major role model for Germany.
In this file, everyone keeps being like, 'let's sterilize these (mentally ill and handicapped, blind, deaf, 'morally' degenerate, homeless, etc.) people. It is so not a big deal!'
Like: "Hey! I only want to sterilize you."
That does not make me feel happy, when someone says that. I am like, 'no, man.' And do not clone me, either. Just lay off.' You know?
You have to get up pretty early in the morning to sterilize this goat!
The use of the word "sterilize" is in itself kinda creepy. I mean, you're not talking about scrubbing the retarded/gypsy people until they're sparkly clean! Creepy.
Yeah, people seem to forget that before WWII public opinion in America was very similar to public opinion in Germany. They got Hitler, we got Roosevelt. Go figure.
Goats have goat lips.
I think your conversation about sterilization is fascination. I want to hear everything and anything you have to say on it.
But yeah, I totally get it. All I want to do is talk about the role of civil magistracy in determining the structures of church government. People, I have noticed, don't want to hear about that.
MUHAHAHAHAH! you too are now an AMERICAN HISTORIAN!!!!!!!!!!!
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