Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Golf is actually a lot more dangerous than you maybe thought.

What's the fire ants rule?

Mom: My shot landed right on top of a fire ant nest the size of half of a basketball - that gray sand with holes but no visible ants. I carefully lifted my ball off the nest and dropped it nearby, but not before one of the ants got in a good bit on the back of my leg. It itches like mad, but is getting better. Golfing in Florida.


Could-be-a-model said...

Have your parents ever considered taking up a hobby with less chance of dangerous and possibly deadly encounters with wildlife. You know, like bridge?

Tom said...

I feel like her parents would find some way to endanger themselves playing bridge.

your small american said...

At least the fire ants do not seem in any way to have been Dad's fault.

Vgirl said...

Maybe they should try mini-golf. Then the grass will be fake (so no fire ants); the water will be dyed bright blue with toxic dye (so no gators); and if you get a hole in one on the last hole you get a free game.

Kid Showbusiness said...

I LOVE mini-golf. That is all.

your small american said...

I think they'd somehow find a way to involve people-eating animals in mini golf, too. But hey, that might make it even more fun!