Thursday, April 5, 2007

Hey there, congrats!

"July 26, 1933
Chancellor Adolf Hitler,
Berlin, Germany

My dear Sir:

Because of my honest belief in birth control and sterilization when called for to protect the future generations, I was greatly impressed with the news that you have been instrumental in a Sterilization Law being passed in your country. May I offer my congratulations, and a wish for the honest enforcement of the law.

Respectfully yours,

Betty Carpenter Webb
Providence, R.I."

BArch R 1501/126248


Tom said...

Ah. You should write a book that collects the happy letters and fan-mail that people wrote to Hitler.

"Dear Hitzie,

You are doing a heck-of-a-job. I have the fullest confidence in your abilities.



Could-be-a-model said...

And then you could bring in the Mitford Sister that was in love with Hitler and tried to kill herself (unsuccessfully, I might add) when Britain went to war with Germany. Oh it would be awesome. And a truly global history, but in a really Eurocentric kind of way.

your small american said...

Oh, that's a great idea, that'd be a great book--'way to go!' letters to Hitler from non-Germans. I mean, they took the trouble to write and to buy an air mail stamp.

your small american said...

Gosh, also, I was kind of thinking when I was copying this letter, wouldn't it be just grand to find a letter to Hitler from someone you knew? Like from Aunt Bettie.

your small american said...

Er, grand in an awful sort of way?

J. was like, "don't worry about what granny may have done, mine actually shook the big H's hand."

Tom said...

You know what would make that book even better/creepier? If Hitler wrote back to these people. You know, the same way that professional sports players write back to their fans.

"Dear Ms. Webb,

Thank you for your wonderful letter of July 26. Letters like yours inspire me to go out and try my best every day.

While I accept your congratulations I must urge you to be ever vigilant. Our goal of sterilization for all of the lower classes is within sight, but not yet in our grasp. We must not flag in our fight.

Enclosed, please find a baseball card featuring yours-truly. I find the likeness flattering.



Come to think of it, how awesome would it be if the Nazi party had made baseball cards for their leaders!

Anonymous said...

Personally, I think a book about goats would be better.

Tom said...

you think you're anonymous but we know who you are.

your small american said...

Yeah, we know, GOAT, er, I mean "anonymous."

Anonymous said...

You may know who I am, but you will never really KNOW who I am.

your small american said...

I think you mean, we will really never know WHO you ARE.