Saturday, April 7, 2007

Do not mess with Rutgers women's basketball

OMG, I can't believe that racist, sexist shit was said on national radio about the Rutgers women's basketball team. (See fitting tribute to team by V Girl.) That is so fucked up. This radio guy should be fired, for sure.

It is weird because last night I had a dream that I was watching TV about the ceremony Rutgers had to honor the basketball team, and on TV (in dream) they were like, Pres. McCormick looked at his watch right in the middle of the ceremony, hurting the feelings of all the basketball players, who then marched sadly in a parade down College Ave.

(This was a dream, right? This did not really happen (?))

Anyway, the team did a great job getting to the championship and I say right on to them. And I will beat up people who disparage them or look at their watches during the celebration.

(Then I had a dream that I was supposed to fly from the U.S. to Berlin but I kept missing the flight because I couldn't pack my suitcase. CC was trying to help me. I tried to call the airline but I couldn't because Lisa (roommate here in Berlin) had the phone. After waking up I told this to one of my other roommates, and she was like, 'I guess there is something going on with the phone?'

Well, it's just 4 of us sharing it now. That's all. We spawned and are now 7 roommates, did I mention that? (Not literally spawned, but one time in this house that did happen and there was a baby roommate.))

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