Monday, April 9, 2007

Send e-mail about depressing remarks about RU womens basketball

You can e-mail Westwoodone, the radio conglomerate that syndicates Imus's show, and ask them to get him off the air:

Peter Kosann
President and Chief Executive Officer
Bart Tessler
Sr. VP, Network News / Talk

You can also e-mail the producers of his show on MSNBC.


Tom said...

Imus is an asshat. Since no one we know actually listens to Imus I feel like our clout with his producers might be limited. The truth is that the only time anyone outside his rabid fan base thinks about Imus is when he says something obnoxious. And, unfortunately, it inspires more people to tune into his show to see what all the fuss is about.

your small american said...

I think/hope that the outcry over this incident is beyond what Imus usually deals with it. From the press I get the impression that it's not dying down. He's offered to actually meet with the basketball team, which makes me think he's under a lot of pressure.

Anyway, write West Wood One, they're super uptight and maybe they'll do something.