Saturday, December 29, 2007

Duck + Horse for America Platform


Tom said...

These guys are for everything I am for and against everything I am against. It's a perfect match!

How are they polling in Ohio?

your small american said...

They are totally electable. They have the only real horse in the horse race, as you noted.

DSF said...

Which one's the prez? Or are they sharing power equally? You should put extra security around duck because my friend Katie is having an all-duck New Year's eve party, including duck foie gras, and duck ice cream. I think it could be a national security issue.

your small american said...

They are a team, so I guess they share power. But they do everything as a team. Like, they make decisions as a team. (Cause either one of them alone is not super qualified, you know? But together they totally are.) So I guess they will have to pick a vice presidential candidate when they get the nomination.

I bet your friend Katie is a 'publican!