Thursday, October 2, 2008

Spell Check!

I am sitting here spell checking my entire dissertation.

Wow! This reminds me of other occasions spell checking stuff. But none of those papers were 286 pages long. I think it will take about 40 minutes. Most of my job is to press "Ignore All" when spell checker hits a German word.


Could-be-a-model said...

How'd your diss get to be so long? I'm hoping to hit 200 pages, but now you are making me feel inadequate.

your small american said...

Don't worry. It's like magic--it gets too long. You just hit like 100 and then it takes over and becomes too long.

Also, block quotations and pictures help.

Tom said...

It must be hard to spell check when everything is so blurry!

your small american said...

It is! But that's why I have all this training.

CheeseQuest said...

My proposal is 50 pp and counting! I know that's too long but if a lot of it goes into my introduction it will be worth it.

your small american said...

If you can just tack on 50 more pages, it could be your whole diss!