To continue: I was mainly thinking that I am too cool to do all the touristy stuff in London, but then we got off the plane and I suddenly demanded to see Buckingham Palace, chiefly because of the fuzzy hats. Then I became somewhat obsessed with the fuzzy hats, perhaps alarming canoe counselor by describing plans to get the guard to come nearer so that we could pet the fuzzy hat, or to scale the wall in order to sneak up and pet the hat, wanting an entire suit of hat-fuzz, etc. Then I was like, man, I better shut up before I majorly creep out canoe counselor.
In other news: I guess now I could write all about the sorrow and the pity of having to live in a far-off land basically for one's job, and to be parted from loved ones. Canoe counselor flew back to the U.S. this morning. This caused major bumming on my part. It sucks. I miss her. I miss all of you guys. I tried to cope with all this by drinking a grande latte. Also, by resolving to "Fulfill the 5 Year Plan in 4!" (More later.)
Didn't basically everyone die trying to implement the Five Year Plan? Maybe compressing the already highly fatal Five Year Plan into four isn't the best of ideas, or at least with regards to the preservation of one's own life.
Fulfill the Five Year Plan in Four!
dear ysa, i'm sorry about the canoe counselor going back. stay strong! you will be back together soon.
CBAM, what I mean was: instead of spending 3 more months doing diss research, spend only 2, but do 3 months worth of work! I'm going to accomplish this by making a lot of posters and forcing the kulaks off of the land.
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