Monday, June 12, 2006


The World Cup started a few days ago. A guy in my German class witnessed a fight between British hooligans and other fans. He said that the Brits, who were weilding broken bottles near the Zoo subway station, were like 50 years old! They´re older, mature dudes, not 20 year olds. He said that some fans from Cameroon or somewhere were watching the fight and began to yell "God save the Queen!" which enraged the Brits.

There are 3 games a day. Every bar, ice cream store, or drink and cigarette store has a TV out on the sidewalk.

I watched Angola play Portugal last night. We all wanted Angola to win. You can always cheer for a former colony against a former imperial power. When this was pointed out to me, I thought, Hey, I can maybe get a bit excited about this soccer. But Angola lost. I ended up kind of despising Portugal. They showed a brief clip of the capital of Angola, and those folks are not enjoying the benefits of capitalism, thanks in part to Portugal´s imperialism.


Tom said...

do they really spell "football" with that weird B? man, the germans are stupid.

and plus, Ronaldo is such a prima-dona. Not as bad as the Italians.

The sportscasters here in the US could not stop pointing out that Angola was a former colony and hinting that violence could break out at any moment. Which, of course, it didn't.

The only fans who really seem capable of violence are the English. And judging form the reports their anger doesn't seem motivated by any particular event. They're just mean, or something

Could-be-a-model said...

The Italians are great. The Dolce and Gabbana ad alone is enough to make the Italian National Team the ultimate World Cup Champions.

your small american said...

Yes, they spell it with this crazy letter: ß.

They do not use this letter often, so I feel that it is OK that they have it. Not like in French when they totally over-use their weird characters and you are constantly wondering which one to use.

Anonymous said...

My Friend That Knows About Soccer was actually telling me the other day that the Poles and Croats have recently overtaken the English as the worst soccer hooligans. But maybe they actually have to have some soccer-related event to become upset about before they'll resort to violence, unlike the English. Or maybe they're "worse" just not violent. Like they're cyber-hooligans and totally flame other countrys' fans in international chat rooms, or steal their identities.
Come to think of it, that actually happened to another friend of mine. Somebody somehow managed to clean out his savings account from an ATM in Krakow.
In any case, congratulations are clearly due to Poland and Croatia. And so I congratulate them. Thusly. Congratulations.