The Fan Mile runs right past the memorial (pictured--see the huge statue on the pillar?) to the Red Army's conquest of Berlin in 1945. I read somewhere that this is the only memorial to a foreign army in a European capital city.

Note the thoughtful-of-history look on this face (pictured)? Soccer and European history are not mutually exclusive after all.
yeah, but that guy's been up there forever. and the world cup is happening now!
tell the war memorial to jump up and down and wave his hands. that will get some attention.
or he could try to set the world record for holding his breath underwater. I bet he's really good at that!
did the Red Army build that monument themselves? Cause that sounds like something they would do. Conquer a city and then build a monument to themselves conquering the city. When you just KNOW the only reason they conquered the city in the first place was so that they could a monument to themselves. Typical Red Army egotism. Bunch of jerks.
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