We are so cold that this is what we wear to bed.

History grad student, junior faculty freak out, academic publishing disaster--it's all here: seven years of angst in academia.
And bottom/in brown sweater, me after the trans atlantic flight and the 4 hour layover in Zurich. My first trip to Switzerland! See the Swiss Alps behind me?
So, the flights were OK, I probably gave everyone within 4 rows of me on the plane the nasty flu bug that´s plauging me. Good young and hot Jennifer Miller picked me up at the airport in Berlin, and we went out to a beer garden with Jess and her brother David and then to Amrit, the best restaurant in the world. Not a bad way to spend the evening! And when Germans made fun of our accents, we knew it was because they were jealous of our freedom.
Well, actually this is a picture I took of a picture that's hanging in the Empress Hotel (the lavish and very British 19th C railroad hotel in downtown Victoria). The cougar showed up in the hotel's parking lot in like, 1985 (judging by the haircuts in the picture). Plucky Canadians traquilized the cougar and saved the city. But it just goes to show you how many cougars there are out there if they occasionally take trips to the Empress Hotel.