But this supportive blogging atmosphere extends, apparently, to CBAM's You Could Be A Model, where CBAM finally gave in to what must have been a bone-deep urge, and blogged for 5 paragraphs about the TV show Veronica Mars.
My comp exam is now in three days (counting the day we're currently in). It wouldn't be a major academic hurdle in my life if I didn't realize at the last minute that there's a book about Hitler that I desperately need, but can't get because all the bookstores/libraries are closed or won't deliver in time. But luckily the Princeton Library seems to have it, so I'm gearing up to spend Saturday in bougie P-ton.

In Canada, they have McDonalds, but they are super-fancy. This one (right) has a chandelier.
But, just in case you suspect that the Canada theme around here is an attempt to avoid the comp exam, see (left) I got a lot of studying done on that trip!

maybe it's just that we all agree that this is the best blog ever! yeah!
Too bad about that lame book in Princeton. That's the thing about Nazis, you can't trust 'em.
Them and Llamas. Can't trust either of them.
You know, Llamas have been living high on the hog ever since WWII. I wonder why. Might it have to do with the fact that Llamas were Nazii war profiteers!?!
I want a full senate investigation. Get Porter Goss in here!
Everyone, save you, enjoyed the 5 paragraph post on Veronica Mars.
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