Wednesday, May 31, 2006

The Canadian image in the German mind

This billboard, which I walk by on my way to the language school, may elucidate the enduring popularity of Canadian women in Germany.


Tom said...

I'm sorry but that woman seems seriously german to me. Even if she is wearing the Daniel Boon/Raccoon hat and pouting.

And they say Americans are out of touch with what's going on the real world! At least I know a Canadian from a German.

Could-be-a-model said...

I really don't get this ad. Why is she wearing a boonskin hat? And why does her lower half swirl into ice cream? And how is vanilla caramel brownie ice cream Canadian?

your small american said...

Dude, did you all somehow not notice, she is wearing a racoon hat! I mean, if anything says "I am from Canada," it's that! Sheesh, people.

Anonymous said...

I have just returned to canada, and was shocked: I have already seen three canadian women covered in caramel brownie ice cream. Previous years, maple was fashionable (especially with our maple syrup culture). This new trend is unexplicable, but the Germans are clearly up to date. I am told that caramel is good for the pores...

your small american said...

See, even that poster is slathered in caremel, and I bet she was wearing a racoon hat while she typed that!

Anonymous said...

God, you idiots, it's COONSKIN, not boonskin. Idiot! Oh, Could-Be-A-model, if you're angry at me for callin' you an idiot, yell at Laurie! I'm her nephew! Oh, yeah, I agree with Tom. I go to Europe every summer and (most) German girls are hot like that. Actually, most European girls are hot, not just the Germans. And I gotta go to Canada and see those ice-cream covered people.