Tom got me an awesome new knife that is so sharp that some people are afraid to cut with it. But I love to chop tomatoes with it. I took these pictures of my first tomato-cutting with the awesome new knife. Thanks, Tom!
Also, I passed my exam! Woo hoo!

Hey! No problem! I am so glad you like it. Those tomotoes stand no chance now that you are equiped with such a state-of-the-art weapon.
Ninja Laurie, Attack!
I can't help but feel that your acquisition of a brand new, super-sharp knife is somehow related to your passing your comp exam. Somehow, the word got out about how sharp the knife is and how much you like to cut things with it. I understand that one of the responses on your blog characterized you as a "ninja" that may "attack" some unspecified individuals referred to only as "tomatoes". Fear. That's why you passed the exam. So, congratulations!
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