By far the most exciting animals sighted, in terms of lording it over my family, were the two bald eagles we saw on the ferry ride through the San Juan and Gulf Islands from Victoria to Vancouver. (Bald eagle lower left, baby!)
OK, I know you can't see it so well in the picture above (although in person, I clearly saw the white head and feet feathers, causing me to burst into the national anthem, which rather shocked my Canadian fellow-passengers on the ferry) but then the thing totally landed right near us.
(below--note glorious sunrise behind magestic eagle)

There were majestic trees on the ferry?
I am not so convinced of the Bald Eagle's greatness. See this Daily Show clip.
they're kinda nasty.
and as for the trees on the ferry. this may seem strange to you or I, but in Canada, they have trees everywhere.
That video is hilarious. Now I do not feel so special for having seen 2 when there are 700 perched on "literally every building" in that town, pooping everywhere and devouring the occasional medium-sized dog.
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