We did not just take 269 pictures of public transportation, British Columbia, and my face close-up. We took 269 pictures of Canada in the service of several highbrow themes!
Two themes dominate: vehicular transportation and (related) the VW buses of British Columbia. Here (right): the train to the airport.
But, knowing the interests of my reader, I will cut right to a secondary theme: the potentially dangerous/occasionally slightly threatening plants and animals of Canada. Yes, CBAM, nature.
I nominate this picture as the most attractive picture of YSA. EVER!!!!
i'm not so sure
have you seen these magestic pictures?
I had not seen those. And even though Laurie is qualitatively less attractive in your photos because they are of her in nature, I have to maintain that this new picture of Laurie on the bus is something truly special.
It's a train, dude.
The classiness of a train isn't making the picture any better. I'd stick with the train--it's a better reason for the picture.
While Laurie is quite lovely in this picture, I'm uncertain as to why everyone insists on ignoring the SAVAGE CANADIAN ABORIGINAL clearly visible right next to her! I, for one, am eagerly awaiting Laurie's tale of how she evaded the cold clutch of death by hockey stick, an adventure sure to be chock full of bold deeds, cunningly buckled swashes, and, of course, derring-do. So tell us, Your Small American, how on earth did you prevail?
I crouched.
And if the other person in the picture happens to read this--Dear, he's just kidding. And I hate him! Kisses! I will continue to tell you my national secrets so that you can pass them along to your just, peaceful and multicultural government.
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