Monday, May 22, 2006

I petted an alpacha

An ill-tempered alpacha was hanging out in the "petting zoo" (or, small fenced-in area set up in front of the liquor store on 4th Street) at the street fair today. I paid $4 to pet it and its animal associates (including 3 goats, a sheep and a donkey). The Alpacha was the fuzziest animal in the "zoo," so as you can imagine, I wanted to pet it most of all. But, it was suspicious of me and gave me many skeptical looks while keeping as far away from me as it could, as you can see (left).

Finally, I bribed it with food.

My sister heard part of this story and said she always knew I'd pet an alpacha.


Tom said...

Today, we are all especially proud of Laurie. To think that she overcame all the alpacha-petting barriers to reach this pinacle of alpacha-petting.

Laurie, you are truly a remarkable human being.

Anonymous said...

I really think that this entry should be called, "I got robbed", since all that really happened is that this "street fair" coaxed $4, plus food, out of you in exchange for, essentially, nothing. Unless you were involved in some kind of high-stakes scavenger hunt that required a picture of you petting an alpacha as one of the items, then you, my friend, were taken advantage of by those canny street fair organizers. I bet that they used to organize real fairs before they were caught in some kind of shady dealing (probably involving their cocaine addiction) and, now that they've lost everything, they're reduced to organizing fairs on the streets. Back where it all began. Say, do you mind if I use this as the basis of my hip-hop concept album?