Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Wet socks

It is raining and unseasonably cold here and my feet are wet all the time. Here is the U Bahn station Kottbusser Tor, Kreuzberg at night and the new center of the city near the Reichstag (taken from the subway) during the day.

We are so cold that this is what we wear to bed.


Tom said...

I am hopeful that you will soon be living in a room with heat and your own bed. As they say in Prague, that's when you'll know that you've "made it".

Anonymous said...

Along with your own room, I highly suggest wool socks. (they're also crucial to wear on transatlantic flights, in case you end up in the ocean). when you have an address...

Anonymous said...

Wow who is the hottie all bundled up in bed?1? Now she's a MODEL!