Tuesday, May 9, 2006


Here is the cougar we saw. These guys caught it. Note sunset behind magestic cougar.

Well, actually this is a picture I took of a picture that's hanging in the Empress Hotel (the lavish and very British 19th C railroad hotel in downtown Victoria). The cougar showed up in the hotel's parking lot in like, 1985 (judging by the haircuts in the picture). Plucky Canadians traquilized the cougar and saved the city. But it just goes to show you how many cougars there are out there if they occasionally take trips to the Empress Hotel.


Tom said...

did you know that cougars and mountain lions are the same animal? it's true!

just shows you how cool cougars are. they have two names!

your small american said...

Yeah, like Madonna.

Could-be-a-model said...

but are they jewish?

your small american said...

Like Madonna? Well, I think no 'cause I did see a cougar flying by in a hot air balloon one time.